In 2019, UMI Motorsports Park launched the King of the Mountain (KOTM) race, aiming to create an exhilarating and highly challenging autocross competition for the most skilled and experienced drivers. KOTM features a simplified rule set which fosters creativity and the fastest cars, and drivers, in the country. The event attracts many autocross champions;SCCA Solo Autocross national champions; Gridlife champions; SCCA autocross regional champions; and more.
The King of the Mountain two-day autocross event has grown to be one of the biggest nights in autocross. After two days of qualifying, it concludes with a high-stakes nighttime shootout, under the track lights. Fans pack the stands, hillside, and tune into the Livestream to witness the drivers competing for the title of KING!
Watch live autocross, past KOTM livestream, autocross recaps, and more on UMI’s YouTube channel!
Only highly-experienced drivers who have received an exclusive invitation are eligible to register for the thrilling King of the Mountain race. However, prospective drivers not on the official invitation list can still earn an invitation several other ways.
How to get an Invitation
Autocross Challenge Golden Ticket Winner
Muscle on the Mountain Golden Ticket Winner
Winning Your Way In
Drivers who compete in other UMI-sponsored autocross events have the chance to win an invitation to King of the Mountain. UMI Muscle on the Mountain and UMI Autocross Challengewinners are given a special entry called the golden ticket. If the winner already has an invitation, the golden ticket goes to the next highest-ranked driver without one!
King of the Mountain Applications
If a driver has a proven autocross race record, they are also welcome to apply for a King of the Mountain invitation. Applications for the King of the Mountain invite list are accepted every February. This gives drivers the chance to share their accomplishments and career highlights to be considered for an invitation. Every year, UMI hand-selects applicants to be added to the official invite list from these applications.
2023 Parade Laps
2023 Rookie of the Year
Qualifying for the Shootout
The race to the title of King of the Mountain starts during the two full days of autocross. The outcome of these qualifying days will determine the contenders for the thrilling evening shootout. The shootout ranking is calculated by adding the best times from both qualifying days. The top 12 drivers in each autocross class will then compete for the title of “Class Kings” in their categories. These Class Kings will then compete against each other for the ultimate title of King.
The Payout
The shootout winners of each class will receive a portion of the $25,000 autocross prize money, with the King taking home $10,000. Furthermore, the King will be granted an invitation to all future King of the Mountain Races. The class kings and other top 18 cars from each class will win an invitation to the next king of the mountain race.